My very first participation at a management reunion of the political party Vlaams Belang, section Anderlecht.
Anderlecht is one of the 19 communes of Brussels and the place where I'm living.
For the moment I only participate as observant for a while in accordance with the internal rules for newcomers to such management reunions.
That means I must be personally invited each time to be present and can't participate at voting if it occurs in approving or disapproving proposals.
Of course, I can put ideas on the table.
At long-term is it the intention of being official part of the team after a positive voting round when I have sufficiently proven my loyalty and dedication at local level.
Apart from politicians Jos Van Assche and Raymond De Roover (who are both member of the municipal counsil in Anderlecht) was I entirely unknown to the other members that were present.
But this changed with giving a short introduction of myself.
Next items stood on the agenda :
The fact of things in our commune after the municipal elections of oct. 08, 2006
Local actions and publications
The coming parliament elections of juin 10, 2007
Trival points
Request in the group
It became quickly clear how bad municipal government in Anderlecht was.
A couple of decennia before, our commune was one of the richest, now we have the opposite situation with many financial troubles.
The Wayezstraat, at one time the wellknown much visited chopping street of Anderlecht, is now reduced to a filthy non agreable street that has lost all its glamor.
Lot of citizens of Anderlecht are confronted with the excisting unsafety and an increase of abalienation of environment with the coming of too many foreigners.
With the french socialists, the political Walloon party PS, that gain more and more influence in Brussels and are following an Islamic socialistic political course, the Islamisation of our commune is becoming frightfully visible.
And then there are the municipal council sessions that have growth to a bunch of circus acts that are discouraging the more seriously motivated municipal counsil members.
Soon we will begin with the task of propaganda distribution at Brussels in function of the coming federal elections.
This very same day, there took also an unannounced counteraction from the militant movement Voorpost (= Outpost) place.
This as an immediate answer to the ungoing provocing action we were tipped off coming from our French adversaries, the Flemish racist political party FDF.
I couldn't take part in this because at that time, I was still at the management reunion.
1 opmerking:
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