At 9h15 AM started workgroup 5 'S.O.S. Democraty' in one of the many sidehalls of the ICC-building at Ghent, Flandre.
Chairman of this workgroup was politician Anke Van Dermeersch and as secretary we had Evert Hardeman.
I chosed this particulary workgroup above all other workgroups because I was already been 2 times victim of discrimination owing to my Flemish-nationalistic conviction.
Secondly, never before having participated in a workgroup of Vlaams Belang I wanted to have this new experience.
About 10 people were present in this workgroup, including some people who were throwed out of syndicates because they simply had stood on an electionlist of Vlaams Belang at the municipal elections of 2006.
The 8 edited resolutions were throughly examined for a last time in this workgroup with the possibility to submit amendments to improve the text.
Ones everybody of the group is satisfied about the resolutions, the text goes without delay to the Party Counsil which is the supreme organ of authority of Vlaams Belang for final approval.
When the electoral congress starts in the afternoon, the resolutions will be announced to press and public.
I had 2 free hours after workgroup number 5 was finished before hearing the task I would get as member of the internal guard for the rest of the afternoon.
This time, I got a guardposition in the congressroom self and because of this, I could follow everything being said at the electoral congress.
After the many lightspots and audio-visual material were tested, I opened the entree doors for the visitors and in no time, all the seats were occupied.
It looked like the flow of visitors entering the congressroom was endless.
We even had to search for extra seats for people of the third age who couldn't find a free place anymore to sit down.
The plenary meeting begun at 2 PM and consisted of the reports of all 6 workgroups, given one after the other by the chairmans of the corresponding workgroups :
Bruno Valkeniers : 'From state reformation to Flemish state reformation'
Filip De Man : 'Immigration : Europe is faced before a choice'
Bart Laeremans : 'Security : To let change fear from side'
Gerolf Annemans : 'A better Flandre at a lower price'
Anke Van Dermeersch : 'S.O.S Democraty'
Nele Jansegers : 'Norms and values'
Subsequently, congresschairman Gerolf Annemans, president of Vlaams Belang Frank Vanhecke and ex-president of the organisation VVB Rita De Bont held each a speech about the actual problems our society has to dialy deal with.
Afterwards, a reception was foreseen.
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