It is annual tradition of Vlaams Belang to organise a Spring Reception.
This one was put together by the Vlaams Belang-departments of all 19 communes of our Flemish capital city Brussels.
The reception was also the occassion to give the startsignal for our federal electioncampaign concerning the electoral district Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde.
This event took place at the Basilic of Koekelberg (entrance 7), Brussels.
Together with a colleague, I was asked to provide the internal security.
I enjoyed the fact that I noticed a lot of frenchspeaking people from Brussels who were convinced that the Flemish political party Vlaams Belang offered them the best possible future.
There were a lot of important VB-politicians present : Filip De Man, Johan Demol, Frederic Erens, Jos Van Assche, Bart Laeremans, Raymond De Roover, Dominiek Lootens & Greet Van Linter.

Politician Johan Demol gave a discourse about the decline of education level of the Flemish schools that was for a long time international appraised for its very high standard.
Cause of this decline is the increasing amount of non-adapted immigrants on schools that give rise to all kind of problems like aggressive behaviour, communicationproblems, culture conflicts, learning difficulties, ...
The decision to close a whole department of the widely reputated Heilig-Hartcollege at the Brussels commune Ganshoren is an example of this.
The director of this school publicly said the situation was becoming hopeless, immigrants were causing too much trouble to properly deal with it anymore.
It took a lot of courage to have said something so political incorrect when living in a Belgian repression regime of political correctness.
You can get fired or prosecuted for saying less than that in this artificial country that imprisons the Flemish and Walloon people.
In his discourse, Johan Demol said that it is only a matter of time before more and more schooldirectors will cry for help.
They just need time to find the courage in themselves to oppose the political correct created taboos where you never are allowed to speak openly about problems with immigrants.
If we don't take rapidly action on political level, we're slowly destroying the education level of Flemish schools and bring in danger the right on a decent education for the future generations that come after us.

The other speaker who held a discourse on this Spring Reception was politician Filip De Man.
He mocked the Islamic socialistic programm of the Walloon political party PS (Parti Socialiste, nicknamed : Parti Scandaleux which means 'Party of scandals' because this political party is known for a series of corruption scandals, including political murders).
He mocked also the cowardness that can be seen in the traditional Flemish parties that unlike Vlaams Belang don't have any Flemish reflex in themselves when dealing with the arrogant french imperialists of the PS.
This Spring Reception was ended with a short closing discourse of politician Raymond De Roover (see above picture).
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