It was my 32th anniversary today but also the day that Vlaams Belang held a partyfeast in Antwerp Expo.
It attracted more than 6.000 visitors beside the fact this sunday was also an Open Monument Day.
On the frontstage toke a lot of performances place by Flemish music artists who respect the democratic vote of nearly 1.000.000 Vlaams Belang citizens, not bowing for the political correct pressure that is wildly put on the Flemish music business.
I respect this artists for their boldness.
There was for instance Danny Fabry and Helmut Lotti's brother Kurt Lottegiers.

Of course, a partyfeast of Vlaams Belang don't consists only of music.
Politics gets also its place in this big family event.
There was the political debat "Flemish cities, nice living cities" with as talkpanel the politicians Jurgen Verstrepen, Marijke Dillen, Katleen Martens and Francis Van Den Eynde.
Next, the political debat : "Safe cities, nice living cities" with the participants Johan Demol, Filip De Man, Anke Van dermeersch and Karim Van Overmeire.
Top of the bill was the meeting with Filip Dewinter (the symbolic leader of Vlaams Belang) and Frank Vanhecke (chairman of Vlaams Belang).
To camouflate a lack of vision and ideas, the socialist mayor of Antwerp Patrick Janssens uses no less than 50 Flemish celeberaties in his electoral campaign.
The most succesfull political party of Flandre, Vlaams Belang, doesn't need to hide behind celeberaties because it's a party for the common ordinairy people in the street.
The raging war of political correctness will make of this elections again an battle of all political parties against one, a David versus Goliath.
Vlaams Belang has no less than 5.000 candidates on the different lists and can be voted upon in no less than 240 Flemish communes & cities !

Yvonne Verbeeck, a very famous Flemish varieté artist and now at the age of 92, made a suprise appearance on the frontstage under the thundering prompt applause of the public.
Politician Hugo Coveliers, ex-VLD member and now chairman of the new political party Vlott, made also an appearance on the frontstage (see picture above).
On another stage took also a political debat place with six young adults, all Vlaams Belang candidates for the elections.
For the children, there were a lot of attractions foreseen like a springcastle for example.
I noticed also a lot a enthousiastic Frenchspeaking people coming of Brussels.
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