August 29, 2006

Today I got a mail in my mailbox concerning the political correct 0110-concerts, an event deliberatly created out of intolerance for the democratic vote of almost 1.000.000 Flemish right-winged citizens on the most succesfull political party of Flandre, Vlaams Belang.
Subject of the mail : "Wanted urgently : (lots of) figurants for little movie about tolerance".
It was sent by a producer who decided together with a lot of other people from the moviesector to participate also in the political correct war that rages in Flandre.

In the beginning, the political correctness invented the 'cordon sanitaire' in the late eighties against Vlaams Belang (at that time called 'Vlaams Blok) in the name of "saving the democraty".
The very same cordon sanitaire which has led to thrown overboard any electoral result over the years that was a torn in the eyes of the political correct dogma.
Vlaams Belang, in-row-winner of every election thus far was undemocratic forced in the role of opposition, again and again and again.
They reduced elections, a fundamental part of every selfrespecting democratic society, to nothing more than occasions of protocol.

After the invention of the cordon sanitaire, it was the turn to destroy professional journalism.
No longer was neutrality and telling the truth of things important but instead selectivisme : the political correctness influenced and decided what to bring in the spotlights.
Everything the viewer or reader wasn't allow to know about was wisely kept away from them.
Even manipulation of images and sending lies through the ether was something that happened from time to time.

Even a centre was raised that is unofficialy known as 'GEDAPO', in analog to the Nazi's Gestapo, which goal is to prosecute people who don't fit in the political correct regime. The CGKR is in fact nothing more than a toughtpolice, a dirty left-wingend political instrument.
Remember the famous words of politician Tobback : "with all means" refering to the political correct fight against Vlaams Blok / Vlaams Belang.
It included also a political trial which was nothing more than a farce in an attempt to kill a non political correct party.

But now comes a time where the intolerance against people who doesn't want to believe in the sweet multiculturality fairytale goes a step further : using music and artists as political instrument of propaganda.
And after receiving this mail, it seem the political correctness tries also to pollute the movie industry.
All this in the name of so-called 'tolerance'. Yeah ... right !

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