September 15, 2006

From the Centre for Equal Chances and Opposition against Racism (or in short : CGKR) you can almost suspect anything because it is in fact nothing more than an inquisition institute that has gone totally crazy.
When I said that you can almost suspect anything from it, it's always something negative of course.
A thoughtpolice realy can't have a place in any selfrespecting democraty.
But this time, they have completly gone in overdrive.
On the blog of Vlaams Belang politician Janice Laureyssens, I could read that CGKR in their quest for censoring now also has a problem with the word 'Jewes'.
If the use of the word 'Jewes' is put on the censorlist of CGKR, how long before words such as 'Christians', 'Hindoes', Protestants' gets on the list ?

This Centre is raised with the goal to kill freedom of speech and it's very existence is a danger for democraty.
When it also goes in overdrive, it could mean the renaissance of the dark thirties in the long term.
I'm afraid the Jewes will have to look for a new name for their people.
The toughtpolice or GEDAPO under supervision of the Nazi-behaving Jozef De Witte has given them no other choice.
If this censoring madness continues then dictionaries will soon lose a lot of pages and eventually only holding half their former weight.
Word after word after word will be censorised.

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