Place to be today where I had absolutely to be was the commune Liedekerke at 7 P.M.
At that particular time took a peacefull demonstration place on initiative of the political party Vlaams Belang.
This demonstration was in fact an actionfront of Flemish nationalist laborers to loudly protest against the existing intimidation toward nationalists on the workfloor.
Peggy Teirlinck was fired from her syndicate ABVV because she was candidate on the Vlaams Belang-list in function of the municipal elections.
I was also discriminated for my 'wrong' political preference and fired for it by my employer.
The same fate overcame a lot of other nationalist laborers in Flandre.
More reason to protest was the explicit interdiction given by mayor of Liedekerke, Wynant (CD& V = Christiandemocrats), for any kind of action taking place on his terrain.
We know that the syndicate ABVV who has a lot of power over the political party of Christiandemocrats was the reason behind this interdiction.
For Flemish nationalist, freedom of speech is a sacred thing.
We have all the right to peacefully protest when we're discriminated and we certaintly don't let intimidate ourselves by this kind of undemocratic interdictions.

A lot of bold Flemish citizens, somewhere between 100 - 200 people, came to participate in this actionfront of protest, including the president of Vlaams Belang : Frank Vanhecke.
During a speech, Vlaams Belang cutted trough the shamefull lies that we're against syndicates.
But colorsyndicates that are behaving themselves with a prehistoric mentality that only the working people of the same 'color' are welcome instead of protecting the rights of ALL the laborers isn't something to be tolerated in a democratic society.
If the syndicates wish to hold their privilege as paymentmechanism for people without a job, than they can't take part in partypolitics.
They can't just discriminate people with other political preferences.
But also the existing discriminating situation by employers to fire someone without further thought for reason of 'wrong' political preference is to be accused.
This is the same kind of discrimination like intolerance against someones gender, race, religion, ... yet, in Belgium it is not considerated as an act of discrimination !
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