October 08, 2006

After having registred my electronic vote at the Brussels commune Anderlecht, I went to hotel 'Egmont' in the city Mechelen.
That was the place to be for the Pi-electionmeeting 2006.
A meeting between forummembers from the political Flemish forum 'Politicsinfo' (in short : Pi) where we all follow together the incoming voteresults of the municipal elections from begin to endresults.

The right-winged political party VB won again the elections, never beaten thus far.
It's the 13th victory in row !
The expectations for the city Antwerp were alas not fulfilled.
Only an electoral gain of 0,5 percent but on the other hand is it still a little 5.000 new voters gained for our political party in this very important city.

This is not something to be taken lightly if you take the fact in consideration that Vlaams Belang hadn't the support of the Flemish media throughout the whole campaign.
The media, from newspaper to television, had continuously tried to demonise our party.
Furthermore, there were the political correct 0110-concerts against Vlaams Belang with again the support of the media and also a lot of music artists.
So, being the only political party that had to fight with unequal electoral weapons and yet winning the elections with a better score than before ... is there anybody else who can do the same like us ?
Right, nobody else !

The elections of this year prove again that Vlaams Belang isn't just a political party that enjoys only temporally of its succes but that it is a party that has taken strong roots in society.
A political party that represents permanent election after election a consideral amount of Flemish citizens.

And yet, the undemocratic and facistic 'cordon sanitaire' exists still, even after our 13th electoral victory in row.
Again negates the political correct government a consideral amount of Flemish citizens like they had never existed because of their 'wrong' political preference.
People like anyone else that work each day for their money, that breath the same air, has feelings, are mother or father, pay their taxes, ... yet they don't count because they aren't political correct.
In Belgium, democraty has died already a long, long time ago.

The government can keep negating hundreds of thousands of people but still we will be there, again and again to loudly call for the return of democraty.
This a Flemish battle we will never give up because there to much on stake to lose.

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