May 18, 2007
The right-winged political party Vlaams Belang (= Eng. translation : 'Flemish Interest') had planned a meeting toward the end of may in the capital city of Flandre, Brussels.
To be more precise : at the Brussels community Anderlecht (which is my homeplace).
In accordance with the present-day law an accord was signed with a private owner for the rent of a meeting location and a pre-payment was made.
In this case was it with the local football club Sporting Anderlecht.
This done, the contents of the programm for the meeting was edited and invitations were sent.
The moment that the Fleming-hating mayor of Anderlecht, the Francophone Jacques Simonet (see photo above), heard about the planned Flemish meeting in his community he interdicted it immediately.
He declared literally that "on his terrority" there was absolute no way a meeting of Vlaams Belang would ever take place.
Our political party that represents approximately 1.000.000 voters, greatest party of Flandre and never in his existence lost a single election simply got an interdiction to hold a meeting in our own capital !
To camouflate his intolerance against Flemings somewhat, he declared that his interdiction was based on the fact that Vlaams Belang had signed the accord with the private owner on base of false misleading information.
The Francophone mayor claimed that the private owner didn't know that it was Vlaams Belang that would rent the location but instead an assocation that had on first sight no connections with our political party.
Hearing this, the Francophone media immediately supported the mayor Jacques Simonet and accussed Vlaams Belang of swindle and this without making the slightest verification if this was true or not.

"Le club de foot a été contacté par une ASBL satellite du parti flamand d'extrême droite dont l'appellation ne permettait pas d'identifier clairement la filiation au Vlaams Belang".
Raymond De Roover, municipal counsillor at Anderlecht of Vlaams Belang and also counsillor of the social service at Anderlecht, was publicly insulted by mayor Simonet on the last held municipal counsil.
The Francophone Jacques Simonet called him a liar and a cheater beside a lot of other nasty things.
The integrity of our local politician Raymond De Roover was without the giving of the slightest proof offended which led to a heavy heated discussion at the municipal counsil.
And so, the absurd situation arised that the political party Vlaams Belang had to justify itself in the attempt to hold a meeting in a so-called democratic society !
Naturally, Vlaams Belang putted the evidence on table that the signed accord was indeed completely in accordance with the present-day law and hadn't given any misleading information.
Proof was given that the Francophone mayor of Anderlecht Simonet had publicly lied and had made false accussation.
The Francophone media couldn't deny anymore their own mistake toward Vlaams Belang and the newspapers 'Le Soir' and 'La Dernière Heure' rectified their error in a new article.

The mayor of the Brussels community Anderlecht had lied to take away the constitutional right of Vlaams Belang of free speech by denying their meeting.
Despite of his failed attempt to camouflate his hatred for Flemings, he keeps at his decision to interdict any meeting "on his terrority".
The Francophone mayor of Sint-Genesius-Rode had tried to prevent the March for Flemish Independence (see weblogarticle : 6th of May 2007) but failed thanks to the perseverance of Flemings.
Jacques Simonet may count on the very same Flemish perseverance because interdiction or not, freedom of speech is a sacred constitutional right !