With the elections foreseen for june coming closer and closer by and knowing that afterwards difficult negocations will be taking place between Flandre and Wallonia concerning the necessary state reformation, it is now an ideal moment to claim the ultimate solution : not just another state reformation like we have known in the past already a couple of times, but a state reformation that makes Flandre totally independent.
That's why KVHV, the Catholic Flemish league of highstudents, organisated today a March for Flemish independence.
That's why KVHV, the Catholic Flemish league of highstudents, organisated today a March for Flemish independence.
The location to loudly let hear the cry for Flemish independence was not chosen at random.
The facilitiescommune St-Genesius-Rode is plagued by a rapid spreadment of French by French speaking citizens who doesn't want to acknowledge they're living on Flemish terrority, refusing to learn and speak Dutch.
Hereby they attack the Flemish identity of this commune.
By holding the March for Flemish independence at that particular location, we also give these arrogant French imperialists the message that there can't be played with Flemish terrority.
They integrate by becoming Fleming or otherwise they take their bagage and go living in the French speaking nation Wallonia.
The Fleming hating mayor of St-Genesius-Rode, Mrs. Delacroix-Rolin (of the Walloon political party 'CdH'), tried to interdict the March for Flemish independence by argumenting that the pre-election period must be respected in which no political party is allowed to make free publicity.
Nonsense of course because the organisator of the March, KVHV, isn't a political party.
Flemish minister for Home Affairs, Urban Policy, Housing and Civic Integration Marino Keulen rejected this interdiction.
Mayor Delacroix-Rolin did a second attempt to interdict the March, this time argumenting that the public order/safety would be disturbed.
Again she was thwarted because immediatly a speed procedure was raised before the Council of State who overruled the inderdiction.
The francophone mayor, determined to be a pain in the ass, tried even for a third time by commanding a massive police force at her disposal to block off much of our orginally planned route, trying to drastically shortening the route of our March for Flemish independence.
But all the present Flemish-nationalists held their ground, refusing to leave before the police lets us walk the orginally intented route.
After a discussion between parlementarains of the Flemish political party Vlaams Belang and the police, they letted us pass.
And so, the Flemish racist mayor of St-Genesius-Rode was thwarted for the 3rd time without the use of violence !
The police force present consisted of more or less 800 men, including cavalry, helicopter, watercannons and a lot of combi's.
They had even summoned aid from the general reserve troops.
A lot of horse dung from their cavalry could be found in the streets and at a certain moment when I was taking a picture, I stepped right in the dung.
During the March for Flemish independence, a Belgian flag was dragged in the horse dung.
Near the city-hall, 2 tricolored flags were put to fire.
We let the police extinguish them afterwards.
The March for Flemish independence consisted of about 2.000 - 3.000 Flemings and 15 autobuses were reserved for the transport.
On the above picture, you can read the message : "Walloons outside !".

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