Because of the received interdiction from the Francophone mayor Jacques Simonet to hold a political meeting in his community Anderlecht (see weblogarticle of the 18th of may 2007), I got the following mail in my box from the Flemish political party Vlaams Belang (I have translated it in English) :
Dear Vlaams Belangers, dear friends,
Because of the silence of the press toward our political party (see the "debate" yesterday on the public television channel in which the greatest political party of Flandre wasn't even represented) we decided to push the electoral struggle ourselves in a higher gear.
Therefore, we will organise a short but powerfull protestmanifestation coming saturday at 4 P.M. at Anderlecht - Dr. Huetlaan - for the sake of the right on freedom of speech and the right to decide ourselves on which locations we want to hold meetings ( you know that the Fleminghating mayor Simonet denied us the access to RSC Anderlecht).
Filip De Man, member of the Chamber of Representatives and Frank Van Hecke, national president of Vlaams Belang, will together with you protest against the many boycots toward us and loudly appeal for more democraty !
We also have foreseen the availability of free busses for transport wherefore you can reservate a place until wednesdaynoon (hour arrangement, see addition).
May we ask of you to receive a message in the case of eventual presence wherefore we give already our sincerest thanks !
With friendly greetings,
Jean-Paul Leemans, region secretary Brussels
Eddy Longeval, region secretary HalleJurgen Van Duyse, region secretary Vilvoorde
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