September 29, 2006

I had suspected that at one time or another I would be fired because I had the 'wrong' political preference, a right-winged preference.
The direction and all the counsilmembers of the organisation where I was employed were political correct minded and extremely intolerant for anyone who doesn't embrace the political correctness, people like me.
And if you know that the chairman of this non-profit organisation was a politician, known for his hate toward Vlaams Belang, the liberal Sven Gatz (VLD), than you know more than enough.

Already towards the end of 2005, I saw the masks of so-called political correct tolerance falling on the ground when they discovered my former personal website. The sudden discovery had caused a tsunami between the walls of this organisation and the reactions were so extreme that it looked as if I played an indian in a westernmovie, surrounded by triggerhappy cowboys.

At that particular time, the direction had tried to find any signs of racism and discrimination on my part because there were also people from other origines that worked in the organisation.
They hoped to find evidence by interrogating many persons behind my back but they couldn't find the slightest thing.
Of course they couldn't find anything to accuse me of because I'm not a racist.
But they just couldn't live with someone who wasn't political correct.
So it became that I got a lot of sanctions because of my 'wrong' political preference.
They hoped to turn me just like the Christians did in the longago timeperiod of inquisition.

The organisation wished to be apolitic to the 'outside' world, and for this reason I couldn't have a connection to a political party. Bullshit from the direction of course. Their motives were based on their intolerance and hate for Vlaams Belang and anyone who voted upon this party. They fired my on the last workingday of septembre toward the end when many colleagues were already gone home. All nicely planned ...

I will never forget the unjustice done to me. This is a day marked forever in my memory.

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