It's again the 11th of July, the official holiday that the Feast of the Flemish Community take place in remembrance of the famous Battle of the Golden Spurs back in 1302.
It's the best placed occasion to let proudly hang in all his glory the Flemish Lionflag out of the window.
And certaintly in Brussels, although the capital of Flandre, a city that is especially heavily influenced by French.

At 2 o'clock P.M., we gathered at the Brussels pub 'MP3' where Johan Vanslambrouck, chairman of the nationalistmovement Voorpost (= Outpost), held a strong speech concerning the Flemish cause.
Hans Verreyt (national chairman of VBJ, the youth movement of Vlaams Belang) and Luc Vermeulen (actionleader of Voorpost) where also present.
The organisation VVB (Vlaamse Volksbeweging or Flemish Peoplemovement) distributed thousands of little yellowblack lionflags and balloons of the same Flemish colors.
Goal was to make the Flemish symbol as much as possible visible in the streets of Brussels.
An action that was indeed a great succes !
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