July 09, 2006

Today toke a national actionday place by the nationalistmovement Voorpost (= Outpost) concerning the systematic occupation of churches by immigrants.
The occupation of churches as an instrument of blackmailing in an attempt to oblige a new round of regularisation.
A new phenomenon is that some priests and bisshops are beginning to openly support this kind of blackmailing by putting the churchdoors wide open for immigrants.
The principle of strict separation between Church and State is hereby violated.
The Church is tresspassing political terrain and that is something that can't be allowed.
And we shouldn't forget that illegality is an outlaw situation and brings with it much nuissance and costs for society.
Flandre just can't impossible be the social service state for the whole world.

This national actionday, taking place at the entree portals of as much churches and chapels as possible throughout Flandre, sends the message that churches can't be allowed to be misused as political instruments of pression.
We used pamflets to express our point of view and message, distributed to every visitor of the sunday mess.
I chosed the Saint-Martinus church in my birthplace Duffel as place of action, getting the aid of two other Voorpost-militants from Duffel.

There was a nun who wasn't happy with this action, trying to chase us away. She was so angry that, at the beginning of the mess, she immediatly toke the microphone and told everybody that the Church is apolitical and so didn't deserved this kind of unannonced actions. Hello ? Did I heard that right ? Isn't supporting illegal immigrants and willingly opening the churchdoors for them to occupate not political in nature ? It is ! If that nun is of opinion that the Church must not allow itself with politics, than why is she so angry at us ?

G. De Vos, mayor of Duffel and member of CD&V (Christiandemocrats party), was the only person to torn a received Voorpostpamflet in pieces, angry saying something to hisself that I couldn't quite understand.
At first, when he saw us, he didn't dare to come and headed quickly in the opposite direction.
I think he was afraid that the distributed pamflets must have been a political action against the mayor himself our against his political party.
But after a couple of minutes, he saw that we were still there and there wasn't really another way to gain entrance in the church without passing us.

After our action at the Saint-Martinus church, we went to a chapel in Duffel to repeat the action over there.
What was left of the pamflets afterwards, we simply dropped in people's mailboxes.

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