I wrote in my article of september 29th, 2006, that my ex-organisation claimed to be apolitical in nature.
The nonsense motive to fire me because of my existing political link.
If that is really the case, then why they make an exception to this rule ? Liberal politician Sven Gatz (member in both the Flemish and Brussels Parlement) was for many years the chairman of the organisation and now has recently taken a seat in the organisation's managementcounsil.
Isn't that contradicting the so-called apolitical nature of this organisation ?
And what to think of an anti-Vlaams Belang poster hanging in one of the bureau's, even a poster of the political correct '0110-concerts' ?
Or the many free-to-take folders at the receptionhall with on their back logo's printed against right-winged political parties ?
The appearance of the director (who is responsible e.g. for extern communication) in a political talkprogram called 'De Zevende Dag' on the Flemish public television broadcaster VRT ?
Or building together a political youth congress where representatives of every existing Flemish political party were invited with the exception of ... yes, you're guessing correctly ... Vlaams Belang ?
And there is also to be found an archiveplace in the organisation with documents concerning Vlaams Belang and brainstormreports of how to stop the electoral advance of Vlaams Belang. Is all this to be considered apolitical ?
But there is much more. I quote the directrice, responsible for e.g. recrutement, on a reunion the day after Vlaams Blok (the former name of Vlaams Belang) won the elections again : "I sincerly hope that neither of you all has voted upon Vlaams Blok. If someone did, know then that you just voted against me".
And isn't the following programmation of the organisation 'JES', meant to be used allready on the first day of their annual obligued 3-days educationworkshops, anything else than political in nature ? :
As youthorganisation active in Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent, we're regulary confronted with the growing intolerance and sensitiveness for extremism by young adults. With the upcoming municipal elections in our backhead, we foresee two possibilities to chose from (each can have a max. of 30 participants) :
1) "How to handle when confronted with prejudices, racism and discrimination" :
This module goes about picturing, stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. We stand still at our own visualisation of the 'outside' world and how prejudices get their existence. We depart from the experiences within the group and then search a professional way of reacting toward prejudices and discrimination. Focus lies on practical tips.
Accompaniment : An Labeeuw (Centre for Equal Chances and Opposition against Racism - CGKR) / Didier Vanderslijcke (KW Multicultural living together-under-premaintenance).
2) "The hidden face behind VB" :
We view the Frenchtelevision RTBF-reportage called 'The hidden face behind VB' concerning their history of foundation and the violent links toward the right-winged VB. The reportage is a collection of 30 years of archivematerial about the political party VB in a pedagogic confronting style. Afterwards, we discuss in group which possition to take around extremism.
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