I received today post from my Christian-oriented syndicate 'Algemeen Christelijk Vakverbond' (ACV), section Brussels.
Glad to finally learn something about my submitted complaint against my former employer 'JES vzw' as victim of political discrimination I opened the letter.
(For some background on this case, see e.g. my blogarticle of december 11, 2006)
To great consternation I could read a whole moral sermon as answer to my juridical submitted complaint.
Instead of defending my rights this syndicate simply dropped my case as if it was nothing more than garbage because of my connection with the right-winged political party Vlaams Belang.
This syndicate was discriminating me for my 'wrong' political preference, just like my former employer did and wanted also to be rid of me.
I just couldn't believe my eyes for a moment !
In their lecture of moral the syndicate hypocritical dares to call themselves a solidary project that unites all laborers under a single syndical movement.
All laborers WITH THE EXCEPTION of the almost 1.000.000 people who vote on Vlaams Belang.
A syndicate that protects the rights of all laborers ... WITH THE EXCEPTION of the same 1.000.000 people with 'wrong' political preference.
A syndicate that is based on the values of tolerance and egality ... WITH THE EXCEPTION when dealing with the almost 1.000.000 people that aren't political correct minded.

Furthermore, they wrote that they disliked my personal website 'Vlaamse Tempelier' (= that is the Dutch version of this site 'Flemish Tempelier') because in their opinion I was extremely militating for the political party Vlaams Belang.
They disliked also that I'm part of the internal guardservice of Vlaams Belang and top of the bill, I participated in a protestmanifestation against colorsyndicates at Liedekerke (see blogarticle of october 26, 2006).
That manifestation must have been clearly an annoying pain in their ass because telling the truth can hurt when it's not welcome to be known.
Because I'm Flemish and proud to be Flemish and by consequence member of the only Flemish political party that goes to great pains to protect the Flemish people in this pc-regime, the political correct syndicate ACV throws me out like I'm some sort of disease to them.
Again, I see the true face hidden behind the political correct mask of so-called tolerance : that of outright intolerance, hate and facism, a danger predatorly waiting to swallow democraty.
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