October 23, 2005

The nationalist militantmovement Voorpost (= Outpost), which is both active in Flandre and Holland and operates completly independent from political parties, organisated today a protestdemonstration in co-operation with the Flemish studentmovements NSV & NSVJ.
This action of protest is against the opera 'The Stupid of Portici' which caused the revolution against the southern part of the United Netherlands (now called 'Holland') in 1830 and give with much blood, violence and death birth to the artificial much hated Belgium.
This operapiece was especially played on the 100th and 150 th anniversary of Belgium, and now that this Flemish dicriminating nation knows a existence of 175 years this year, they play it deliberatly again.
Only fools think that it's a coincidence ! It's a provocation to Flandre.

The action at Ghent took place on two levels : at the entree of the concert hall and in the concert hall itself.
At first thought, I planned to participate at the action in the concert hall but we had already a bunch of 40 guys gathered for that part and of course, there had to be also enough for the action at the entree.
So, it was at the entree I took my position.
No one and I mean really no one of the audience people for 'The Stupid of Portici' could escape at our cries for the independance of Flandre.
The whole protestdemonstration was a succes and got a lot of media attention afterwards.

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