October 9, 2005

There's for everything a first and last time. That this also may be the case next year, same month.
First time for Filip Dewinter as mayor of Antwerp so this great city can finally get the desperatly needed fresh oxygen, the last time the socialists can take away the glimmer of beautiful Antwerp.
It's high time to make Antwerp a striving, clean and healty city again with a strong Flemish character.
It's high time that the faded glimmer of the city through 78 years of Socialist reign shines again.

With the A-convention today, the starting shot is given for the elections in Antwerp next year.
More than 2.000 militants where present on this convention, full of enthousiasm and confidence in a Filip Dewinter as next mayor of Antwerp.

The fate of Antwerp is now in the hands of the Antwerp voters : to let the city sag in the shadow where bad goverment and crime can strive or instead the appealing alternative ... a city who gets back it's charme and glimmer, a city where there's safety in the streets, a city that's family friendly.
With other words : An Antwerp to be proud of !

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