July 07, 2006

Because of the planned concerts that will take place on 1 october at the mayorcities Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent, an initiative of the political correct Tom Barman - frontman of the musicgroup Deus - that recuperates without shame music artists and Flemish celeberaties to use as a political instrument of propaganda against Vlaams Belang and her 1.000.000 voters, I couldn't just do nothing.
A lot of participating Flemish music artists clame that this planned and free concerts don't target Vlaams Belang and her voters at all, that there aren't political reasons involved.
But it does because Tom Barman, the initiativetaker for the free concerts of so-called 'tolerance', said himself in an interview last year with the magazine 'Knack' to plan a big event especially against Vlaams Belang and all the voters of this political party.

Kris Wauters, one of the two artists of the group Clouseau wrote :

"Is this an anti-Vlaams Belangconcert ? I don't think that's the case ! If asked to participate in a concert against Vlaams Belang, we would had friendly declined the offer. It isn't in our nature to dictate people on who to vote or not to vote".

Laura Lynn, another Flemish music artist wrote on her weblog :

"(...) There isn't any hidden agenda to look for, I don't involve myself with politics. My fans come from every layer in society and I pay respect to the personal opinion and devotion of anyone, everybody should do that what he thinks is the best thing to do".

It is clear that the political motives behind this concerts aren't noticed by a lot of people, neither the fact that Tom Barman is deliberatly misusing Flemish music artists and celeberaties as an instrument towards his own personal agenda.
That's why it is so important to contact every participating artist to warn them of the hidden political agenda behind this concerts of so-called 'tolerance' in the hope they'll see it too : Barman's own political correct intolerance against almost 1.000.000 of right-wingend voters.
So, I got in action just like many other Flemish right-winged citizens in writing and contacting the participating artists.

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